Archive for August, 2018

Training Report(18 August 2018)

August 23rd, 2018

Date:18 August 2018


Venue:PCGHS stadium


Today is finally our training after a long time.As usual,we gathered at the stadium. Then, we started off by running around the stadium, running sideways and running backwards. After a quick warm up, we practiced our footworks such as checking, double checking, sliding forward, sliding backward and so on. After a short break, we partnered up to improve our basic kicks. The training then ended at 10:00am.

Training Report(11 August 2018)

August 23rd, 2018

Date:11 August 2018


Venue:PCGHS stadium


Today is our gotong-royong where members have to help clean up the stadium. As usual, we gathered at the stadium at 7:30am. Then, we were divided into groups to sweep the floor, mop the floor,clean the stairs and so on. At 10:00am,the gotong-royong ended. The stadium is looking nice and clean again thanks to everyone’s help.

8th PCGHS Closed Taekwondo(WTF) Championship 2018

August 8th, 2018

Date:4 August 2018


Today is finally the PCGHS closed championship that is held yearly.We are very glad because members in our school, members from Union High School and St.George’s Girls’ School took part in our competition.

Participants arrived in the school hall at 7:30am to mark their attendance. Then,the individual poomsae event and team poomsae event began at 8:00am.

Individual poomsae event for blue belts and above.

Then, the next event was the individual sparring event.Everyone who joined this event were brave and tried their best to spar.

After that, it was the opening ceremony of our championship. Everyone gathered at the center of the hall and Master Roy gave a speech to us to give us some advices on Taekwondo.After we took a group photo, its time for lunch break.

At about 1pm,the individual  sparring event continued followed by the team sparring event.

One of the interesting sparring bouts.

A perfect headshot!

Then, it was the last event which is the breaking event which each group is required to break a total of 20 planks to show off their skills.

A nice jumping side kick!

Adding some flips into the breaking.

After all events ended, it was finally the time to give out the medals to all the winners.Congratulations to them!

Medals for the team poomsae event.

This was a meaningful competition for members to learn and gain experience.Well done to everyone for trying their best no matter winning or losing. We are very happy to be able to hold this successful championship. We certainly hope to see improvements on the next year !

Group photo.


August 1st, 2018

Schedule for 8th PCGHS Taekwondo (WTF) Closed Championship 2018:

7.45 a.m. – Instructors arrive

8.00 a.m. – Poomsae event begins

10.40 a.m. – Sparring event begins

11.30 a.m. – Opening ceremony

12.15 p.m. – Lunch break

1.00 p.m. – Sparring event continue

3.00 p.m. – Team sparring event begins

3.45 p.m. – Breaking event begins

4.30 p.m. – Medal presentation & photo taking session

5.30 p.m. – Championship ends


*These are the estimated time for the championship.


August 1st, 2018

To all members:

This Saturday (04 August) will be our competition. It start from 8.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. , please arrive in hall before 7.30 a.m. Remember to cut your hand and toe nails.

For those who are going to sparring please bring along your sparring guards that day, those who do not have mouth guards will be disqualified. You will also need a coach for sparring, the coach can be any of your friend or senior.

Lunch will be prepared.

Breaking leaders please put your cd and pendrive that included your breaking song into S4C pigeon hole as fast as possible .You may ask vice president if there is any question. Thank you


August 1st, 2018

To those who are going for grading tomorrow, please arrive at Gan Association before 8.45a.m. in full uniform . Any question please message vice president,thank you.